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(your world) Explained on netflix.

These are single episode mini-documentaries on arbitrary topics, but they're really good! I've watched the one on the racial wealth divide and the one on Astrology, both very interesting and a good quick watch (you know... like if it's already after 10pm and you can't invest in a full hour show because you're old and lame like me)

Cool show!

I love this type of thing.  Will have to check it out.  My kids like watching shows like that too.

The episode on the world's water shortage was pretty interesting. We do all kinds of dumb things (like massive farms in the middle of deserts) because water has no economic value... it's essentially free. But it's certainly not infinite so the model is not sustainable.

Also interesting to see the breakdown of how much water it takes to create various products.

If there's one thing that our generation will be famous for in 100 - 200 years, it will be our careless use of water :(

Plentiful, clean, and inexpensive water is something I am often thankful for.  Odd but true.


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