Entertainment & Artistry > Photography/Video/Movies & TV

The Forgotten


Iffy flick... pretty far-fetched and pretty much falls into the category of sci-fi.  Basically, a few kids are put on a plane and they disappear.  14 months later, only one woman remembers that she had a child.  The plane was said to have crashed.

Long story short, aliens are using the kids for an experiment and wiping the memories of the parents.

Acting was ok, but overall it was just another short sci-fi adventure.


EDIT: 6/10, but only because of the cool effect where people got sucked into thin air and off to the aliens.

I heard so many bad reviews of this movie, I stayed the heck away from it.

My wife put it on our Netflix list :(  I gotta start checking that thing more often.

My boss says his wife constantly hijacks his netflix list and he just gets chick flicks and sesame street dvds now :(


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