Nothing & Everything > Drafts

Video Game Draft Tournament - Finals - Congrats Perspective

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Well, let's see.  I never owned a console before the original XBox and that was... 2002-ish.  So the only time I played a console was the handful of times at my cousin's house.  I never played mario kart until about a year ago when my wife bought it for me on the Wii.

I didn't really become a gamer until 1998/1999 when I went to college, and that was mainly PC games.

I've only played 2 of cheez's games... I bet you can guess which 2.

Vote for me because the people voting for perspective apparently don't know crap about games!


--- Quote from: Govtcheez on March 01, 2011, 11:17:32 AM ---Vote for me because the people voting for perspective apparently don't know crap about games!

--- End quote ---

Vote for me cause cheez just insulted you!

That's what I do, anyone who would vote for me knows that already


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