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paper tablet

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I am using the paid connect plan - I think all the cool features are disabled without it. You can only save files in its native format (which I don't know what it is) or to pdf. I have not tried importing to it yet. I have not tried printing or screen sharing yet, but when I do, I will let you know.


--- Quote from: Jake on November 16, 2021, 11:23:37 AM ---I am using the paid connect plan - I think all the cool features are disabled without it. You can only save files in its native format (which I don't know what it is) or to pdf. I have not tried importing to it yet. I have not tried printing or screen sharing yet, but when I do, I will let you know.

--- End quote ---

Cool thanks! I'm gonna ask my boss about expensing that as necessary work from home tech... If it was only a couple hundred bucks I'd just get myself one, but by the time you add the "better" stylus and a cover its like $600


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