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paper tablet

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I'm hoping that this remarkable pad will be more like reading on a kindle then an ipad - does that make sense? I did ask santa for one, so if I was a good boy this year, i will review in a few months :D


--- Quote from: Jake on September 30, 2021, 09:19:40 AM ---I'm hoping that this remarkable pad will be more like reading on a kindle then an ipad - does that make sense?

--- End quote ---
Yep, very different experiences.  I love reading on my Kindle but not on a tablet.

--- Quote ---I did ask santa for one, so if I was a good boy this year, i will review in a few months :D

--- End quote ---
So, you'll have to buy your own.

I'm very in to the e-ink tablets, but I've never pulled the trigger to actually get one. I have an Oasis and do wish it was a bit bigger to read on. But I'm not sure I'd actually get the money's worth out of it so I've stuck to tablets.

I am curious how you like it though, if Santa brings it.

Before I cracked my Galaxy Tablet I did use it for drawing with the s-pen and stuff and liked that quite a bit. It was nice to have a sketch pad kind of thing.


--- Quote from: Mike on September 30, 2021, 11:09:12 AM ---

--- Quote ---I did ask santa for one, so if I was a good boy this year, i will review in a few months :D

--- End quote ---
So, you'll have to buy your own.

--- End quote ---

Haha, I certainly hope not!  :afro:

there are so many extra things you have to pay for with remarkable - it is sort of putting me off. For example you have to pay extra for the pen! and even more for one that "erases" - and then there is a subscription service for the "cool" features. So I am looking for alternatives...


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