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wireless headphones
So I had this set of Phillips Bluetooth headphones - which were actually originally my wife's that I got her in 2014 - and they were awesome for me. Loud enough, good enough quality, and a super long battery - even 6 years later I was getting like what seemed 20+ hours out of them.
Unfortunately, they started giving me issues a couple weeks ago. Essentially, they kept going in and out. I can compare it to sliding a regular head phone cable in and out of a headphone jack - that same sound and lack there of. Ordered this pair - I hope I am as happy with them as I was with the other ones. And I hope they last just as long. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZHQJHMN
I haven't used over the ear ones in a while except for gaming and what not. I only do earbuds for mowing the lawn/etc. But then I only get about 10 hours of play time so... meh. I hope they work for you.
--- Quote from: ober on June 15, 2020, 04:11:15 PM ---I haven't used over the ear ones in a while except for gaming and what not. I only do earbuds for mowing the lawn/etc. But then I only get about 10 hours of play time so... meh. I hope they work for you.
--- End quote ---
I've tried multiple earbud designs and none are comfortable for me - so I stick with the over the ear type.
I have NEVER found a pair of earbuds that were comfortable and most wont stay in my ears. I've even bought fairly expensive bluetooth ones. Just can't do it. I'm an over the ear kinda guy. I have a very similar pair of philips wireless like you Jake and they're pretty good, except there's no input jack to use them wired. I've had a really cheap Sony wired set I still use all the time. Then I have my Bose QC super expensive ones (that were gifted to me) which are awesome, but i rarely charge them and just use them wired. I even bought a wire with built in boom-arm mic so I could use them for zoom calls and xbox live.
I have a slightly older version of these: https://www.amazon.com/TBI-Pro-Bluetooth-Headphones-Charge/dp/B07VLC39K5/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2YHSC75A934UB&dchild=1&keywords=tbi+pro+bluetooth+headphones&qid=1592273617&sprefix=tbi+pro%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-4 They are pretty awesome. Sound great, stay in my ears, etc. I specifically looked for something that would stay in better and these seem to do the trick. I was tired of the over-the-ear ones getting so hot.
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