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Personality tests

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Since we had that post about love languages, I thought why not personality tests?

Do you guys know your Myers Briggs? Enneagram? DiSC?

Honestly, I've forgotten what my DiSC is, but I've consistently matched as a INFP (sometimes INFJ) MBTI. I find it hilarious because I'm an information/qa analyst.

I also fall under a 9w8 Enneagram. I like the Enneagram because it accounts for levels of development and direction during growth vs direction during stress. Some random info:

--- Quote ---In Integration
9w8s in health are pleasant, agreeable people who also exude an innate sense of authority. They are also a double body center. 9w8s bring a stable, calm, firm, and solid energy into places and situations. The Eight wing brings an aura of strength to the easygoing Type Nine. Their strength is much more reserved and detached than the aggression and raw power of the pure Type Eight, though. The Eight wing helps the Nine to move through life with more common sense, directness, and a take-charge attitude.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---In Disintegration
Usually, a stressed out 9w8 will be compliant and try to move away from conflict, except for the times when the Eight wing roars and the Nine suddenly explodes. These eruptions of anger serve to try to communicate to people in their lives that a Nine’s boundaries have been crossed.
--- End quote ---

I have never done this type f test before - at least not that I remember. I just did the one you linked to and got this result:

--- Quote ---You are most likely a type 3.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 8w7

It is not clear from these test results which Enneagram type and wing you are.

--- End quote ---

I scored 9.4 in type 3 (the Achiever) and a 9 in type 8 (the Challenger) - I would say that both describe me very well. 

My Myers-Briggs has shifted over time. This is mostly because I've been most near the center on 3 of the 4 areas.  The last time I did it I got 50% on three areas and then strong introvert.  I honestly see this in real life where I'll switch between different modes of thinking quite freely.

I'd never heard of Enneagram but it seems pretty legit.

I am a 5

That whole big long description is totally me.

9 was a second followed by 6.  So they say 5w6.  Really interesting.

EDIT: Interestingly enough, I took the second 1-page quiz and it was flipped but still the same two. 6w5 with 9 again as my second.

I'm also a 9w8, *high-five*!


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