Author Topic: Deserted Island Video Game Draft  (Read 135945 times)


  • Jackass In Charge
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Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:37:15 PM »
The Goal: Pick the best assortment of Video Games to have with you on a deserted island for the rest of your life.

How this works
We go in turns one at a time picking video games to be on our list. You can't take a game that has already been selected. When we're done we compare lists and everybody votes on which they like best. The fun is in seeing what interests the other pickers, and trying to pick people you want on your list before somebody else takes them.

We're picking anything that resembles a video game, including computer games, handheld games, flash games, etc. You can assume that you have any hardware you need on your island to play the games of your choosing, and that you can connect to the internet to play multiplayer against other people as well. The official rules can be found below, please pay special attention to the section on how to tell whether the game you like can no longer be selected because of a previous related selection (e.g. are Smurf Rescue and Smurf Rescue 2 the same?).

  Draft Order
  • govtcheez
  • kermi3
  • KnuckleBuckett
  • ethic
  • Jake
  • charlie
  • Perspective
  • JaWiB
  • PJYelton
  • ober

Draft results by round
Draft results by person

I encourage anybody with even a little bit of interest to participate. The more people there are, the more fun it is. If you're worried about any of the details I'll help you through it. Just give it a go!

Who's in?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 05:13:27 PM by charlie »


  • Jackass In Charge
  • Posts: 7913
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Official Rules - Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 04:37:26 PM »
You don't have to read all this, but if you have a specific question about how this thing works, look here...

Official Rules (Important rules in red. (Knuck, don't fall asleep, focus on the red.))

  • All participants will declare their desire to participate by saying so explicitly in a comment in this thread.
  • Anybody who asks to join the draft after it has begun can do so but must wait at least one full round before they can start choosing. Please feel free to join if we have just started but you havn't signed up yet. The more the merrier.

Selection Rules
  • The premise is that you're alone on a deserted island but with plenty of food and drink as well as access to any and every electronic gaming system, computer or other hardware you might need to play video games of your choosing and get maximum enjoyment from them.
  • You can pick any electronic game made for any computer or gaming system or self-sustaining electronic device. That means everything from minesweeper on windows to centipede in an arcade. This does not include games like pinball that used some electronics but also use physical pieces.
  • Once a specific video game is selected, nobody else can pick that game. Moreso than with the other drafts we've had, what exactly makes a video game unique is hard to define, so I'll try to set some ground rules. See below.
  • Please PM me if you have a specific question about whether a game is eligible.
  • Posting an image and a link to or wikipedia or any other site with information about the video game would be helpful (but is not required). The more information you post, including why you made your pick, the more interesting the draft is. Please post at least enough information to clearly identify which video game you are talking about.

Draft Specifics
  • The draft order will be determined by random draw via I promise I won't cheat.
  • The draft will be a snake draft, meaning that whoever has the last pick in one round will have the first pick in the next. For example, if we have six people they will pick like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3...
  • There will be 8 rounds, meaning everybody gets 8 picks. This is open for discussion.
  • Each person will have 24 hours to make their pick. However, Saturday and Sunday don't count (although you can still pick on the weekends if it is your turn). The 24 hours starts after the previous person's pick or after the previous person's 24 hours expires (whichever comes first).
  • Simply posting the name of your selection in this thread is enough to count it as being selected.
  • If your turn is approaching and you know you will be away from the internet, you can PM your selection to me or the person scheduled to pick after you. You can also simply announce that you will be away and that your 24 hours can be skipped as a courtesy.
  • If your turn has been skipped, you may at any time make your pick for that turn. However, you cannot pick a game that has already been selected after your turn was skipped. If somebody else picked your video game then you're out of luck.

  • When the draft is complete, we will have a tournament style playoff of all lists. All ES members will be allowed to vote in each round of the playoffs.
  • The draft participants will be seeded according to another run of the randomizer that created the draft order. Some people will likely end up with a bye in the first round based simply on the luck of the draw.
  • You will have until a few days after the draft to make up any missed picks. Anybody with more missed selections than actual selections will not be eligible for the tournament.

What makes two video games the same?

If the video game you want is "the same" as a video game already taken, it is ineligible. These rules govern what makes two video games the same or different.
  • If the two games have the same storyline, characters and game play, but were made for different platforms, they are considered the same. (Example: Angry Birds for the iPhone and Angry Birds for the PC are the same.)
  • If the two games have the same general storyline, characters and game play, but are updated each year with new "rosters" or minor tweaks, then they are the same game. (Example, Madden NFL 08 and Madden NFL 09 are the same.)
  • If a new version of a game is released that is largely made up of new essential features that dramatically change the experience, then the new version is different than the old version. (Example, Warcraft 2 is different than Warcraft).
  • Further rules and clarifications will be added as people chime in. I'm not a video game expert, so if anybody can think of a particular potential problem, please bring it up before it gets picked, either in the thread or by PM if you're afraid of announcing your ideas.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:48:29 PM by charlie »


  • Jackass In Charge
  • Posts: 7913
  • Karma: +84/-53
Video Game Draft Results by Round
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 04:38:21 PM »
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5


Round 6

Round 7

Round 8

« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 02:52:00 PM by charlie »


  • Jackass In Charge
  • Posts: 7913
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« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 11:19:33 AM by charlie »


  • Town Idiot
  • Jackass In Charge
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2011, 04:47:29 PM »
how many do i have to pick


  • Jackass In Charge
  • Posts: 7913
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2011, 04:49:27 PM »
how many do i have to pick

It's a snake draft and it's set for 12 rounds, although that can be changed if people think it's too many or too few.

It's a draft, though, so you don't just get to pick what you want if somebody else has taken it already.

P.S. :woot:


  • Town Idiot
  • Jackass In Charge
  • Posts: 4715
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2011, 04:58:10 PM »
I will offer my 3rd and 4th rounders for the first overall


  • Ashton Shagger
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2011, 04:59:06 PM »
I'm in, but I think we should reduce it to 6 rounds depending on how many people are in.


  • badfish
  • Jackass In Charge
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2011, 05:43:34 PM »


  • Jackass In Charge
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2011, 09:46:39 PM »
yah, I'm in. But I'll be slow with my responses :(
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  • Jackass In Charge
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2011, 10:30:08 PM »


  • Jackass In Charge
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2011, 10:33:36 PM »
Ober games?  How current do these need to be?  ;)


  • Power of Voodoo
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2011, 10:40:06 PM »
Um, sure, why not.


  • Ashton Shagger
  • Ass Wipe
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  • mini-ober is taking over
    • Windy Hill Web Solutions
Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2011, 11:15:07 PM »
Ober games?  How current do these need to be?  ;)
I have games from 2010.  :p  (Ok so 'gameS' probably isn't accurate.  I have a game from 2010).


  • Jackass In Charge
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Re: Deserted Island Video Game Draft
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2011, 05:50:36 AM »
Screw it count me in.

Gov and ethic have to have somebody to crap on!  Oh and yell at me when it is my turn.  I suck at keeping that stuff straight.