Ok, for many reasons i have decided to swap my main HDD, and my secondary HDD. Heres my setup
Primary HDD 40GIG: Home to the operating system, downloads, nothing else really.
Secondary HDD, 20GIG: Home to 10G worth of Mp3's, porno, videos, etc.
I keep all my data except the dloads on the secondary to make formats easier and help prevent data loss. Well i cant jeep the dloads on it because its almost full. So the logical thing is to make the 20G a primary and put all the data on the bigger drive. I take on an addition 20-30 mp3s per day and that drive is the home target for my FTP so its getting full.
I have no third drive to hold the ~19G it needs too to swap the data too while i format them and do my thing. So i was thinking of making a folder on the 40G, moving the information over. Then physically swap the drives, install XP on the 20GIG. Then i would have to just delete the windows files from the 40G because i wont have room on the 20G anymore to move the files too in order to format the 40G.
Anyone got a better idea? I considered online storage but finding the space and actually uploading it would take forever. Thats ALOT of shit to upload, it takes long enough across IDE....