I'm not sure why the site loads slow sometimes, it may be some of the stuff I'm doing in the JSPs. It's running at home on a 300mhz box (my first computer) but it still should be fast enough. I thought it was due to the virus scanner on the pc but I tweaked that to be less agressive. All of the images are PNG but they are still relatively small (maybe I'll try switching them to JPG/GIF. I've noticed it's quicker for some internet connections. I'm going to redesign it again anyways, this one was just to try a few things on the backend. I'm thinking of moving it to my faster box too and turning this one into a MAME arcade. I'm just happy I have a more professional URL now.
I think I fixed the photos page. My XML ways showed through and I had the script tag wrong. Firefox seemed to be helpful enough to realize what I intended.
BTW, I couldn't find a download link for mmmbop on your website - don't you play that any more?

That's because my server is case sensitive (smart ass).