Author Topic: 1and1 host aliasing  (Read 4278 times)


  • Guitar Addict
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1and1 host aliasing
« on: November 29, 2007, 10:28:15 AM »
I know some of you guys use 1and1 for hosting/domains. We decided to move our corporate website to them for hosting to move off of our current provider. We do our domains/DNS with a 3rd party (not 1and1). My boss is trying to figure out how we can get host aliases (like and such to go to the correct folder. Right now we're using a forward from our DNS provider to the virtual host from 1and1 ( but that's not ideal since it does odd making to the URL.
Is there a way to do host aliases with the default 1and1 account (shared hosting) or are we stuck either moving our DNS over or switching to another provider?
Currently we're just trying it out so it's just our development website we're hosting there.
Did I confuse anyone?
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  • Jackass IV
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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 11:22:04 AM »
Is it an apache web server?  If so, is mod_rewrite installed?

you can setup a wild card dns entry for your domain you want to forward to your web server.  the use a server alias on apache for * .. you can use mod_rewrite to pull information our of an url...

so if can alter the url to (all the subdirectories should be accessible by the web server)

i believe you can add mod_rewrite directives to an .htaccess file (if the admin allows it) if you don't have access to the host config on the web server.  I'm not sure about the ServerAlias directive...i've never tried to use it in .htaccess...

if you're on a decidated apache's entirely doable


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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2007, 12:38:15 PM »
It's not a dedicated host account. (it's the cheap $6/mo or something) I told my boss to just email them and see if they can add an alias (I'm pretty sure it's Apache behind the scenes). We just didn't see anywhere in the admin stuff where you could do that yourself.

I'll have to look into the .htaccess thing. That might be a way to go.
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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2007, 02:23:52 PM »
why is your company hosting its website on a $6 shared server?  Apparently they don't take their own website seriously.
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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2007, 03:33:03 PM »
It's just the public website.

Our production servers (where we host our apps) are co-located elsewhere. And we pay more than $6/mo for them. :)

We don't do anything special with our public company website, it's only a few dozen pages or so, so why worry about maintaining a server and do all the security and stuff with it? We thought about building a server and hosting the website ourselves, but right now it just doesn't make good ROI sense. As long as the host is reliable why would it matter how much it cost?

Likely we'll host it ourselves eventually but just not now. Unless 1and1 sucks, in which case we'll try another host and then fall back to hosting it ourselves.
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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2007, 03:51:27 PM »
ah, i understand.  more power to you then :-) I was little concerned at first.

if 1and1 doesn't float your boat, check out  little pricer but the VPS allows you to have psuedo root access and you can mod your server config anyway you want.
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  • Guitar Addict
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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2007, 06:10:38 PM »
This of which you speak; where does the recommendation come from? After messing around with 1and1 I'm not quite sure it's going to do what we want. We might keep it for backups or storage.

Ideally we want to be able to host our website and also be able to host a dev version of the as well without some weird URL.

I thought about switching this to PM but since I know others look for hosting occasionally I thought it'd be good to thread.
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Re: 1and1 host aliasing
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2007, 09:35:23 PM »
Maybe I'm confused... but are you saying you just want to be able to use subdomains?  So when it really comes down to it, "" points to to get the files, right? is my favorite pick.  Awesome host, great support, low cost, and you can setup subdomains and whatnot in cpanel.

My domains are through but that has nothing to do with the subdomains.