That is Obers' game. I have it and have played, but not like the OberKiller 2 billion. Boy is a master of that shit.
Me? I play tons games. From $6 indy games to full $60 AAA. With rare exception I wait until a game is at least 60% off to purchase it. Also I am not purchasing any games for the next six or seven months to catch up on a few I haven't finished.
As amazing as BF4 is, and it is amazing, I have trouble keeping up with the speed, and detail. Picking out an enemy distinguishing them from friendlies and killing him in time during a firefight is getting beyond me in my dotage.
Jake there are tons of amazing games that aren't shooters that aren't console games. The Mass Effect series and Witcher series come to mind. Also Shadow Run Returns, Paper Sorcerer, The Wolf Among Us, and Broken Age.
By the way if you like the South Park humor, Stick of Truth is freaking amazing.