So, yesterday, I borrowed a bike from my GF's family, and went for a (fairly short - 2 mile) bike ride. I have not ridden a bike since 1995 when I got my drivers license. They're right about remembering how to balance is like "riding a bike" and you don't forget...but what that saying forgets is that, if you only rode a fixed gear kids bike with coaster breaks -- 25 years later when you ride a bike again, you have no idea what you're doing. LOL
I was bit shaky/wobbly and found stearing to be a bit more difficult than I remembered. Luckily we mostly just went straight... and I kinda figured out the shifting part, but for some reason I keep thinking backwards about upshifting and downshift. I drove a stick for years and get how gears work...but in the moment on the bike, I was confused the whole time. Also, the seat was killer on my butt. I'm still sore today whenever I sit down.
But, now, I've decided I need to get a bike. I want to be able to ride around my neighborhood with my girls PLUS, my girlfriend has a nice bike (that she hadn't ridden in 5 years) and we had fun yesterday and would like to do that again.
So, recommend me a bike. I REALLY don't need anything high end as I don't think I'll be using it all the time and if, somehow, I get really into it, I could buy a better one some day in the future. It seems that most entry level bikes are in the $250-$450 range though, which seems a little steep for my budget (since I also need to buy a helmet, probably a better cushioned wide seat, and maybe a bike rack for my car) but I think I could swing it if I budget/save for a few weeks.
I tried to do some research online but am really confused about the pros/cons of 26" vs 29" or 700c... and while I totally don't mind the shifting thing, it seems like I probably don't need like 21 gears... I don't like the "road" style with the curvy handle bars, and I like the look of a mountain bike more that others...but honestly, I'll mostly be riding on surface streets...albeit pothole laden-bumpy streets. So... thoughts?
Here's a few at walmart that I saw: the 3, the last one is probably what I'm looking for - what with the built in light and storage rack on the back.