can we get a point of clarification on the premise?
are we going for notoriety of historical significance (which might include villainous characters who changed history but who we might not want to be friends with) or just people we want on our island (to help build a shelter, purify sea water, build a radio from coconuts, entertain us with witty banter or their intelligence and maybe have sex with)
Good question! I was thinking of just picking historical figures I found interesting, not necessarily thinking about being on an island and junk.
This is how I view it. The island really is meaningless, it's just kind of a goofy theme to drive the "story". Basically, the point is that you would be spending time with these people and only these people.
Each individual can use whatever criteria they'd like in making selections. I was kind of thinking about the interesting people bit. People could be interesting because they lived through or participated in great moments in history, or maybe because they had a specific personality you find intriguing. I think a villainous character would be just fine, I think you can assume you won't get killed or hurt by anybody you pick.
All that's open to discussion, but that's what I was imagining.
Oh, and assume they could all magically speak your language.