So I wrapped up my first week at the new job today. Holy cow am I in over my head. They seem to have great confidence in my ability to quickly learn their tech stack. I don't seem to have the same faith in myself.
Everything is in
TypeScript and
VueJS. I think I have a handle on Vue and could learn it pretty quickly if I could just following the normal tutorials and examples all over the Internet for using it. But this damn TypeScript stuff, I just can't wrap my head around it all. I'm starting to get used to the strict paradigm, where every variable is declared with a type and every object has an interface (which was a new concept to me.) I'm still not sure I get the point of DTOs verse just passing an array of data to your function and that's making it tricky for me to see the big picture and learn all the syntax. It doesn't help that there are barely ANY helpful links on the Internet of people using typescript with vue. Its like nobody is silly enough to do that
I *think* I'll get there eventually, but I'm not making progress very fast. And while my boss instilled great faith in my ability to learn, he also gave me 2 days to build a feature using what I've learned and those 2 days have now come and gone with the work only barely half finished. I'm kinda freaking out that I'm not going to get it fast enough. I really like the potential for this job but man do I have a lot to learn and its not coming easy.