Author Topic: Scraps.  (Read 3735 times)


  • Some Other Mofo
  • Jackass In Charge
  • Posts: 1001
  • Karma: +75/-100
« on: July 05, 2007, 10:52:14 AM »
I've started a little project that I'm tentatively calling "Scraps," for which I'm just writing small bits, or scraps of a larger piece and saving them. Each part has its own sprawling background and story, and could be made into a larger piece if one were so inclined, but I rather like the idea off writing a small, perhaps challenging part of a larger story and leaving the rest for another time.

Who knows, maybe just a waste of my time, but I wanted you guys to play too. Just write something small, imaginative, and don't worry about the rest of the story. Maybe you'll get inspired from that little bit--that's my hope, anyway.

I'll start:

I almost forget what it was like now, only sometimes when talking to my parents, but when I think back to that time all I had was the fear. Punctuated periods of happiness for sure, but what permeates my memory still is the sinking cold in my gut, Fear's icy descent up my esophagus, clawing its way from deep inside of me until I found myself clenching my jaw tight and steeling myself against its escape, against it betraying me.