Nothing & Everything > Open Discussion
Serious discussion: what's next for this site?
I check probably every day but there's been less than 1 post / week lately. I know life is busy for everyone but is this something we want to keep going with? Is anyone else even checking in? Love you all to death and I'm probably still closer to some of you than some people IRL. But if people have moved on or we want to find a new home, I'm not opposed to it. We could attempt to do a private subreddit again.
I'm totally ok just letting this sit here and continue as-is but I figured it was worth the question.
I check every few days. I think it is time to move on. I say kill it. But maybe add a vote option to this topic?
but if you do decide to keep it going and need some $$ for hosting, please let me know.
It's not about the money. I am just trying to understand what people want to happen. I'll add a poll.
No strong preference here. I check in in spurts and have it set to email if someone posts anyway (although I think that's currently broken).
I don't see any major reason to put effort into maintaining the site, though. Having a private subreddit or similar that doesn't need maintenance where we can go even if the site dies is not a bad idea especially for those of us who aren't connected to anybody on facebook or elsewhere.
If we do that I don't know that we need to maintain this site. But at the same time any other place would be dead on arrival unless people actually post stuff. If we do set that up I'd like to see people make an effort to start dumb conversations for awhile just so we don't have three threads and then dead. ;)
BTW, we currently have 8 active members who actually login semi-regularly.
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