Nothing & Everything > Open Discussion
Wood woof
Do any of your kids identify as animals? How about in your school?
Wtf do we draw the line?
Really? I swear this is so fringe but people try so hard to make it a bigger thing.
Yeah, I have yet to see anything from a reputable source on this. I'm willing to bet it was like a small handful of kids just trolling.
As far as I can tell some combination of one or more of these is true, Jake:
1) You believe that youtube clip is giving you important and relevant information
2) You believe that kids identifying as animals is a thing
3) You believe kids identifying as animals is relevant to some larger discussion you don't mention
4) You believe posting a youtube clip link and some low-salience questions is a useful way to start a conversation
5) You just like trolling us
I'd say any one of those qualify you as an idiot but I am curious how many actually apply here. ;) :dunno:
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