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Hardware / Re: wireless computer speakers
« Last post by ober on December 08, 2024, 09:55:37 PM »
Haven't used speakers in forever.. I use ear buds for work and headphones for gaming.  If you find a nice set, I'd be mildly interested.
Hardware / Re: wireless computer speakers
« Last post by Jake on December 06, 2024, 03:56:59 PM »
3.5 years and these broke - at least the bluetooth part :( they were awesome and played loud! from the research I did looks like a bad capacitor on the board - but shit, I don't even know where my soldering iron is at this point. I ordered the little BT Device micah referenced in an earlier reply - hopefully latency is not bad while using it and I can continue with this pair. I also sent an email to Edifier, we'll see what they say.

If I was to purchase something else, what would you recommend? in the <$300 range.
Open Discussion / Re: Blocking suggestions
« Last post by ober on October 19, 2024, 12:43:34 AM »
I suspect it's automated, but the agent is a normal browser so at least something like Selenium or Cypress.  I don't see any reuse of IPs.  It's not a popular product and it's not a lot of money... usually 15-25 as the total.  I suspect they're actually testing credit card numbers because even the ones that do get through get declined most of the time.
Open Discussion / Re: Blocking suggestions
« Last post by hans on October 18, 2024, 12:00:27 PM »
Do you think it's automated or manual? The extra field thing might work if it's automated. Is it a popular product? There might be something you can do with that info too, or if they're coming in multiple times from the same IP in short time, to maybe slow the process and make it more annoying for them.
Open Discussion / Blocking suggestions
« Last post by ober on October 18, 2024, 08:36:07 AM »
So I run a site for a long time customer and I have a custom shopping cart.  Over the past 6 months, there is a specific user that appears to be testing credit cards.  They always use the same 1 or 2 products and there was some consistency in the name/address.  It's a different IP every time.

I can't block by IP, I can't block by email (it's a pattern, but it's too common to outright block... format that is different every time).  I have blocked by address, name at one point, but it seems like every time I block something, they make that part dynamic after a few days.  I already have recaptcha but they're getting past that. 

Is anyone familiar with another JS library or another trick I can try to use?  I read somewhere that putting a hidden input on the form and blocking anyone that fills it might work so I was going to try that next.  The owner of the site even took down the product that they were 'buying' but they just picked another one.

Any other thoughts on ways to stop these assholes?
Open Discussion / Re: Pencils?
« Last post by Mike on August 13, 2024, 09:06:26 AM »
hans you have the best esoteric interests!
Open Discussion / Re: Pencils?
« Last post by ober on August 13, 2024, 12:35:45 AM »
I don't remember the last time I used a pencil outside of a house project (marking/cutting wood).  I used to care when I did some drafting in high school but haven't really gotten into it since then.
Open Discussion / Pencils?
« Last post by hans on August 12, 2024, 10:25:59 PM »
So, it's been a while but I got stuck on some pencil review videos and decided to try out a few fancier pencils. My previous go to mechanical was the Zebra but I ended up trying two others and like them both for different reasons.

My overall favorite of the bunch was the Uni Kuru Toga. It's an auto-feed and the lead rotates a bit each time to keep a fresh edge. It has a nice style and feel to it as well and fits my normal writing style.

The other one was the Pentel  Orenz Nero. This one is super sleek. It has a solid feel to it and the blackout color is just cool. The interesting feature of this one is that the lead doesn't come past the sleeve. Instead the sleeve retracts on contact with paper and exposes just a small bit of the lead. The downside of this one is that you do need to lift the pencil more often to make sure you don't start scratching the paper.

Anyways, any other pencil nerds?
Open Discussion / Re: Wood woof
« Last post by charlie on April 21, 2024, 07:55:02 PM »
As far as I can tell some combination of one or more of these is true, Jake:

1) You believe that youtube clip is giving you important and relevant information
2) You believe that kids identifying as animals is a thing
3) You believe kids identifying as animals is relevant to some larger discussion you don't mention
4) You believe posting a youtube clip link and some low-salience questions is a useful way to start a conversation
5) You just like trolling us

I'd say any one of those qualify you as an idiot but I am curious how many actually apply here. ;) :dunno:
Open Discussion / Re: Wood woof
« Last post by Mike on April 19, 2024, 11:55:38 AM »
Yeah, I have yet to see anything from a reputable source on this. I'm willing to bet it was like a small handful of kids just trolling.
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