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Open Discussion / Re: 100% agree with this
« Last post by charlie on March 18, 2023, 12:58:23 AM »
You agree with government mandating medical decisions against the wishes of parents and doctors? That doesn't seem to align with what I thought your general political beliefs were. And "100% agree" at that.  :scratchhead:

In a video released to social media, former President Trump detailed his plan to ban gender-affirming care for minors.
Sports/Outdoors & Manpoon / Re: Maple syrup
« Last post by Jake on February 21, 2023, 03:56:23 PM »
The goal was to collect 250 gallons of sap this year. Ended up with 264 (999L), which in turn yielded 4.95 gallons (18.7L) of syrup.
Open Discussion / Re: Let me know if anything is off
« Last post by Mike on February 13, 2023, 02:18:26 PM »
Profile -> Look and Layout -> Current Theme

I'm using the default one here
Open Discussion / Re: Let me know if anything is off
« Last post by jkim on February 13, 2023, 01:47:08 PM »
I could barely tell you where I would even go to change my template
Sports/Outdoors & Manpoon / Re: Maple syrup
« Last post by Jake on February 13, 2023, 01:08:55 PM »
I thought you sold the house out in the woods?

I did, but have an acre and a half here full of Silver Maples :)

And I ended up buying land in Wisconsin again - just land, no house this time :) But I got a camper :p
> I feel great. I've put on a ton of muscle. Everything is better - not only physically but mentally too. And other aspects. I mean, everything.

I definitely relate to that. When I'm hitting the gym regularly I feel 100x better all around. Physically better, less tired, more energy... but also mentally better, happier, more patient with the kids :thumbsup:

Not too sure about the meat diet though... I get the benefits for weight loss and muscle gain, but I'd be a little worried about other long term effects that could have. Glad to hear it's working for you though, might be worth consulting with a dietician or physician on what's best for you. When I was serious about muscle gain I followed macros. I ate everything but tried for a specific ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. I've always stayed away from extreme anything... rather, everything in moderation. I gained around 25 lbs (my goal was +20) and put on a lot of muscle.

Sports/Outdoors & Manpoon / Re: Maple syrup
« Last post by Perspective on February 13, 2023, 09:06:16 AM »
That looks really fun. We go every year to a few maple syrup festivals in the area. There is one that still makes it in the traditional way with large cauldrons boiling over a fire. The kids love to see the process (and eat pancakes and maple candy :D ).

I thought you sold the house out in the woods?
Open Discussion / Let me know if anything is off
« Last post by ober on February 12, 2023, 02:17:33 PM »
I spent a little time today upgrading to the latest 2.0.x version and moving to PHP8.  I still want to go to the next version SMF (2.1.x) but I will set aside more time to do that since it seems like I need to do a full upgrade. 

Is anyone using anything besides the default template?  It seems like the upgrade to 2.1 will require me to trash all mods and it might wreck any older templates.  But it's a pretty decent upgrade from what I can tell so it seems well worth it.
Sports/Outdoors & Manpoon / Re: bock bock bock
« Last post by Jake on February 12, 2023, 10:51:02 AM »
nope, not selling. We give some to friends. I eat 20 eggs per week. Between my wife and kids, they eat another 20 or so.
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