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Open Discussion / Re: Eclipse 2024
« Last post by ober on April 05, 2024, 10:40:19 AM »
My parents are coming out from PA. I am in the 100% totality path.  They shut down all the schools and they are ramping up police and EMS ahead of it.  It's supposed to be nuts around here.  My plan is to hunker down until all the people GTFO lol.
Open Discussion / Re: Eclipse 2024
« Last post by Jake on April 05, 2024, 08:43:36 AM »
it's cool, I guess, but I don't get why people are going completely nuts over it. Day like any other day, as far as I am concerned.

this map is awesome though

Open Discussion / Eclipse 2024
« Last post by Mike on April 04, 2024, 06:35:32 PM »
IIRC several of you are near the path of totality.  Anyone doing anything for it?

My wife and I are flying to Memphis and driving up Poplar Bluff, MO for it.  After the 2017 eclipse I decided I wanted to travel to experience the totality and had it on my calendar since then. Back in July I made our travel plans.

Really hoping the weather holds as it is supposed to be raining on Sunday and Tuesday but only partially cloudy on Monday.
Open Discussion / Re: AAAAAAyy Eye
« Last post by charlie on March 22, 2024, 02:36:20 AM »
Our company is talking about it a fair amount. I didn't really think it would do much for our system but my colleague just updated me on a side-project he did that fully integrated ai into our tool and used it for some reasonably interesting things. I guess I'll have to do a deeper dive into capabilities.

My kid is going into CS. I'm not sure it's the best choice for her but I don't mind it. Whether she's doing the programming or just understanding how to generate it, it would be good to learn the theory.
Open Discussion / Re: AAAAAAyy Eye
« Last post by ober on March 18, 2024, 03:14:56 PM »
We are starting to do some small things but the focus is on other higher priorities at the moment where I work.  Honestly I'm kind of worried about it.  Our churn is higher than normal and I think it's because we've lost our edge on the competition and people are catching up while we try to do some rebuilding.
Open Discussion / Re: AAAAAAyy Eye
« Last post by Mike on March 18, 2024, 12:56:06 PM »
> With the leaps and bounds that AI has been making how are your companies preparing for the looming AI revolution? are you talking about it at all? are you ahead of it?

The education space is freaking out about this. It has calmed down a bit but still there. What has been a biggest challenge are services that roll out experimental AI without us knowing about it or giving us time to set up controls.

> And what about you personally? It seems that AI could be competition for many white collar jobs in the next few years?

Honestly, for me personnally and for my team I'm not worried. Generating code is only one small part of the work and from what I've seen from gen AI it still has a long way to go before it replaces any but the most simplistic of tasks.

What I'm actually hoping for is more AI development outside of Gen AI. For example, I really want some good AI tools that'll let me provide a bunch of data about student performance and have it help me figure out which ones are good indicators that a student needs more assistance. For me, that's the dream; use AI to help the humans.
Open Discussion / AAAAAAyy Eye
« Last post by Jake on March 18, 2024, 12:28:54 PM »
With the leaps and bounds that AI has been making how are your companies preparing for the looming AI revolution? are you talking about it at all? are you ahead of it?

And what about you personally? It seems that AI could be competition for many white collar jobs in the next few years?

Have you been discussing this with your families? if so, are you taking this into account when advising your kids regarding course selections and career paths?
Photography/Video/Movies & TV / Re: New Camera!
« Last post by Mike on March 18, 2024, 12:00:24 PM »
Good to know.  I used to have a separate camera but our phones take 'good enough' pics now.

I still like my DSLR for particular types of photography. But for the rest, yeah I use the cell phone and am constantly surprised how good it is.
Photography/Video/Movies & TV / Re: New Camera!
« Last post by Jake on March 18, 2024, 11:52:20 AM »
the only time I use my Sony A6000 is when I need my long lens - and that is for the kiddos sporting events. Otherwise, it is all phone.
Photography/Video/Movies & TV / Re: New Camera!
« Last post by Jake on March 18, 2024, 11:48:02 AM »
Wow, it is hard to believe there is still a digital camera market out there - but I guess it has shifted wildly and that is why the price is what it is because it is not geared towards the casual picture taker.

Show us some pictures!
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